She Rocks Teen Empowerment & Business Expo

Girls Rocking in the South (GRITS)
Girls Rocking in the South (GRITS) is a mentoring organization serving teenage girls ages 12-18 in Wilmington, NC and surrounding areas. We offer a positive environment for young ladies to openly talk and express themselves about issues that they may face in their lives.

What an amazingly blessed event! Lives were changed for the teens as well as the adults! All of our speakers, panelists, entertainers, and vendors were absolutely amazing! Again, we thank The Law Office of Vanessa A. Gonzalez, PLLC & GE Nuclear Wilmington, for sponsoring this event and the Wilmington, NC Police Department for their partnership in this project! Today was simply the start of something beautiful!
We think little girls need to see professional and classy women enjoy life and not be so stiff and unapproachable. The girls knew that they could approach any adult in the room and get advice, seek leadership, and also dance and laugh with them! The energy was like this all day!
The #SheRocksPower panel participants ranged from an Assistant Attorney General, to military and civilian personnel, to a meteorologist, Teenpreneurs, and so much more! All were there to provide empowerment and support to our teens desiring more in their lives. We look forward to continuing this Empowerment and support movement!